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    Re-lamping the Paramount


    Posts : 2
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    Join date : 2009-08-11
    Location : Austin, Tx

    Re-lamping the Paramount Empty Re-lamping the Paramount

    Post  paramountbooth Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:57 pm

    Every fall at the Paramount in Austin, the chandeliers need to be dropped from the ceiling (well, lowered is a better term) to be re-lamped. It takes about 1 1/2 hrs to do the process. Two guys go into the ceiling and winch each unit down one at a time so the house maint. guys can take the old bulbs out and the house electrician inspect the unit and then relamped and winched back up.

    I've been the operator here for going on 10 years and never saw the process. Not my gig so to speak and I'd always find out about it afterwords. I made sure they let me know this year. Damn, why was it so early in the morning? They started at 0730 and it was raining. Oh well, onward though the fog.

    Anyway, I have posted some photos to flickr if you care to follow this link.

    The Paramount opened in Austin as the Majestic in 1915 as a vaudeville house. As you know that died out eventually and it became a movie house although it continued to have live stage shows, plays and concerts. Here is a link to the history if you care to read about the place.

    Ok, so this is the 2nd try to get this posted
    Brenkert 60
    Brenkert 60

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    Re-lamping the Paramount Empty Re: Re-lamping the Paramount

    Post  Brenkert 60 Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:30 am

    Those are great pictures! The Texas here in San Antonio had one HUGE chadelier over the balcony. It had to be lowered the same way. There must have been 100 bulbs in it!

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    Location : Austin, Tx

    Re-lamping the Paramount Empty Re: Re-lamping the Paramount

    Post  paramountbooth Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:53 pm

    Any idea what became of the one at the Texas? I don't remember it specifically but I did go there in the 70's for some of the schlocky films but more to visit the theater. I didn't try to take any pictures then like I did of the Majestic. I need to visit the Aztec to see what they did there.


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    Re-lamping the Paramount Empty John Eberson, Architect

    Post  Admin Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:38 pm

    Paramountbooth: Thanks for posting. When your in San Antonio check out the Woodlawn Theatre. John Eberson designed the Woodlawn and the Laurel Theatres in 1945. The Laurel has been torn down but we still have the Woodlawn. It is an example of his modern design.

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