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    Texas Theatre Owners

    Brenkert 60
    Brenkert 60

    Posts : 55
    Points : 128
    Reputation : 1
    Join date : 2009-08-07
    Age : 71
    Location : San Antonio, TX

    Texas Theatre Owners Empty Texas Theatre Owners

    Post  Brenkert 60 Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:49 pm

    The independent theatre owner is quickly becoming extinct. Big theatre chains have taken over the big cities, and are even going to smaller towns. I feel lucky to have met and worked for some of the best, and legendary theatre owners.

    Mr SK Barry was one that I admired the most. He owned the Capitan Drive In, and Fiesta Drive In here in San Antonio. He also owned the Ritz theatre on the east side. He was president of the Texas Drive In Theatre Association for many years.

    HA "Windy" Daniels of Seguin was another legendary theatre owner and showman. I met and worked for him shortly before he died. He was an interesting man! Very hands on, and a perfectionist.

    Tommy Reynolds was a theatre owner, but didn't own them too long. He was a local media personality, and was more of a promoter than theatre person. He emceed the world premiere of "The Alamo" at the Woodlawn Theatre in 1960. I met him when he opened the Cinematex Theatre in 1970, and hired me as assistant manager. We were friends until his death. He was a gentleman to the nth degree.

    Bob Hartgrove was a showman par excellance, and a wonderful guy. He owned theatres in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and other locations. He was a very close friend of mine, and I miss him very much.

    Rich Peterson of Dallas is still a good friend of mine. He owned the Casa Linda Theatre, and I managed the theatre for him. Rich is knowledgeable, and been in every aspect of the theatre business. There isn't much that Rich doesn't know.

    Of course one cannot leave out John Santikos, theatre mogul of San Antonio. I worked for him for twenty years. I hear he was kind to his mother.

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