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Movie Theatre Forum

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    George "Gabby" Hayes


    Posts : 65
    Points : 143
    Reputation : 1
    Join date : 2009-08-06
    Age : 82
    Location : Seguin, Texas

    George "Gabby" Hayes Empty George "Gabby" Hayes

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:56 pm

    George "Gabby" Hayes was always one of my favorite actors. Several years ago I researched Gabby and was surprised that he was born in New York and was originally a Shakespearean actor. He went to Hollywood and made his fortune as a side kick to many successful B movie stars, i.e. John Wayne, Roy Rogers, Hoppalong Cassidy and Gene Autry.

    He always dressed in a three piece suit and drove the finest cars. He would get out of his car and go into the change and walla "Gabby" Hayes came onto the set.

    Here is a link:

    Below are numerous pics of "Gabby". I hope you enjoy!

    George "Gabby" Hayes 130-297Gabby-Hayes-Posters

    George "Gabby" Hayes 130-301roy-rogers-and-gabby-hayes-p

    George "Gabby" Hayes Cooley20Spade

    George "Gabby" Hayes F20194220Gabby

    George "Gabby" Hayes Gabby20and20wife20early2050s20at20H

    George "Gabby" Hayes George20Gabby20Hayes202

    George "Gabby" Hayes Randy20Rides20Alone20-20G20Hayes

    George "Gabby" Hayes Cap001

    George "Gabby" Hayes Dontfencemein

    George "Gabby" Hayes G2000-75

    George "Gabby" Hayes Gabby

    George "Gabby" Hayes Gabby_hayes

    George "Gabby" Hayes Gabbyhayes

    George "Gabby" Hayes Scott-hayes

    George "Gabby" Hayes Hayesgeorge

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