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Movie Theatre Forum

For people who enjoy the theatres in their communities.

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    repost of Bill Bremer


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    repost of Bill Bremer Empty repost of Bill Bremer

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:47 pm

    Looking forward to discussing Houston movie theatre history. I am particularly interested in the three Houston incarnations of the Majestic Theatre, all operated by Interstate.

    Bill Bremer.

    Posts : 2
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    Join date : 2009-08-11

    repost of Bill Bremer Empty Majestic Houston

    Post  D-150 Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:14 pm

    Are you talking about the OST and Metro in addition to the Majestic?

    If so, these were a part of the so called HOG circuit. This consisted of Hartgrove, OdOnnell and Gugenheim.

    They were a bottom end chain that ran mostly blacksploitation films, kung fu and films like White Trash. The cheaper, the better

    Posts : 65
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    Join date : 2009-08-06
    Age : 82
    Location : Seguin, Texas

    repost of Bill Bremer Empty Majestic Theatre

    Post  Admin Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:59 pm

    D-150, Bill Bremer's grandfather worked for Hoblitzell for 50 years. Hoblitzell and Interstate Theatre Circuit were around from 1906 to 1971 or 72. Hoblitzell died in 1968 and the chain was sold to ABC. Hoblitzell built Majestic Theatres in almost all of his communities. We had five in San Antonio, three in Houston. These were initially vaudeville acts and then as film came in, the two mediums shared the stage and then film totally replaced Vaudeville by 1930's.

    I'm sure Bill is referring to two previous theatres in downtown Houston that were called Majestic. One of them was probably changed to Metropolitan. The last Majestic was built in 1923 and was torn down in the 1980's.

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