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Movie Theatre Forum

For people who enjoy the theatres in their communities.

    John Eberson


    Posts : 65
    Points : 143
    Reputation : 1
    Join date : 2009-08-06
    Age : 82
    Location : Seguin, Texas

    John Eberson Empty John Eberson

    Post  Admin Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:19 am

    I'll start if off by talking about John Eberson who with his son Drew, designed over 1500 theatres worldwide. He was one of the first to design atmospheric theatres. In Texas, he designed 7 theatres for Karl Hoblitzelle, owner of Interstate Theatre Circuit. He designed the Majestic in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio, the Worth Theatre in Ft. Worth, the Majestic in Austin, not owned by Hoblitzelle until later. He also designed three neighborhood theatres in the 1940's. Two were in San Antonio, the Laurel Theatre and the Woodlawn Theatre. The Woodlawn still stands and is used for plays. The Laurel was razed in the 1980's.

    Here is a link back to my website where I have a page on him.

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