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Movie Theatre Forum

For people who enjoy the theatres in their communities.

2 posters

    Small Town Theatres

    Brenkert 60
    Brenkert 60

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    Age : 71
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    Small Town Theatres Empty Small Town Theatres

    Post  Brenkert 60 Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:47 pm

    There are lots of wonderful memories of movie theatres, and what may have taken place in one. Many small town theatres were the scenes of first dates, and other memorable occasions. Do you remember any nice small town theatres?
    Brenkert 60
    Brenkert 60

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    Age : 71
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    Small Town Theatres Empty Re: Small Town Theatres

    Post  Brenkert 60 Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:50 pm


    Last edited by Brenkert 60 on Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 37
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    Join date : 2009-08-15

    Small Town Theatres Empty Yes!

    Post  MPol Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:50 am

    Brenkert 60 wrote:There are lots of wonderful memories of movie theatres, and what may have taken place in one. Many small town theatres were the scenes of first dates, and other memorable occasions. Do you remember any nice small town theatres?

    Absolutely, Brenkert 60!

    Since my siblings and I grew up in a town without its own movie theatre, there were theatres in other towns adjacent to the one we were growing up in that were also quite popular with other people from our hometown, as well as the towns these theatres were located in. For better or worse, when my sister and I attended movies at these particular theatres, with or without family and/or friends (this was prior to us reaching the driving age, so we'd get dropped off by our parents and picked up, or chaperoned by other kid's parents). we'd almost always meet up with other kids that we knew and went to school with. Small world, isn't it?

    The now-demolished, baroque-looking vintage Embassy Theatre, in Waltham, MA, which was right on Moody Street, was one of the theatres that brings back memories. Although the Embassy Theatre didn't look like much from the outside, it was beautiful inside, with a large single screen and a balcony, and very popular with local kids.

    The Fine Arts Theatre in Maynard, MA, which is still open and working, is a cute, retro-looking little theatre, which has been cut up into three screens to survive. It, too brings back memories, as we'd see movies either with family/friends, or go solo. It was quite popular with kids from our home town and from my high school. We'd rarely fail to meet up with, or at least see, other kids we knew, for better or worse.

    The Lexington Theatre, in Lexington, MA, which is also still open, is also a theatre that we'd attend. It, too looks like a neighborhood theatre, although I remember that one drizzly Saturday afternoon, we tried to get into the theatre for a Saturday matinee of the movie Flipper, only to find that it had been sold out!

    The West Newton Theatre, West Newton, MA, was another place that my siblings and I frequently attended with or without family and/or friends. Another cool neighborhood Theatre that brings back memories.

    Since my family and I no longer reside in the town we lived in while my siblings and I were growing up, I very seldom, if ever, go to the above-mentioned theatres anymore, but the memories still linger on.

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