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    First Drive in in U.S.


    Posts : 65
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    Join date : 2009-08-06
    Age : 82
    Location : Seguin, Texas

    First Drive in in U.S. Empty First Drive in in U.S.

    Post  Admin Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:44 pm

    The drive-in theater was the creation of Camden, New Jersey, chemical company magnate Richard M. Hollingshead, Jr., whose family owned and operated the R.M. Hollingshead Corporation chemical plant in Camden. In 1932, Hollingshead conducted outdoor theater tests in his driveway at 212 Thomas Avenue in Camden. After nailing a screen to trees in his backyard, he set a 1928 Kodak projector on the hood of his car and put a radio behind the screen, testing different sound levels with his car windows down and up. Blocks under vehicles in the driveway enabled him to determine the size and spacing of ramps so all automobiles could have a clear view of the screen. Following these experiments, he applied August 6, 1932 for a patent of his invention, and he was given patent number 1,909,537 on May 16, 1933. (Seventeen years later, that patent was declared invalid by the Delaware District Court.)

    Posts : 37
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    First Drive in in U.S. Empty The Fresh Pond Drive-In:

    Post  MPol Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:36 pm

    I remember going to the Fresh Pond Drive-In when my sister and I were still pre-teens. (my brother hadn't even come along yet). We had a lime-green Rambler station wagon, and every so often, we'd go out to dinner and then, having brought pillows and blankets, my sister and I would be in the back part of the station wagon, and either see the movie from there, or fall asleep. The Fresh Pond Drive-In is long gone, like most of the other Drive-Ins here in the United States, but memories linger on.

    The Natick Drive-In, in Natick, MA, was another neat drive-in, and there was another drive-in (whose name and location escapes me at the moment), where we saw many great films such as the Charlie Chaplin movies.

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