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Movie Theatre Forum

For people who enjoy the theatres in their communities.

2 posters

    Nice Old Drive Ins

    Brenkert 60
    Brenkert 60

    Posts : 55
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    Join date : 2009-08-07
    Age : 71
    Location : San Antonio, TX

    Nice Old Drive Ins Empty Nice Old Drive Ins

    Post  Brenkert 60 Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:30 pm

    Drive Ins once dotted the Texas landscape. Here are a couple of very nice Texas Drive Ins:

    Lufkin's not too small a town, but they have a BEAUTIFUL drive in that is still standing closed, and is wasting away. The Redland Drive in was once VERY nice. I cannot believe a community like Lufkin can't keep such a venue running.

    Nice Old Drive Ins RedlandLufkin

    While looking through some old family pictures of my girlfriend's, I was surprised and delighted to see this picture of the Terrell Drive In in Terrell, Texas! I guess a new drive in theatre in town was a big deal in 1947!

    This screen blew down, and a cheap screen without an attached building was erected. The Terrell Drive In was where the movie "Drive In" was filmed in the mid 70s. It was called the Alamo drive in when featured in this "classic" film!

    Nice Old Drive Ins TerrellDI

    Posts : 65
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    Join date : 2009-08-06
    Age : 82
    Location : Seguin, Texas

    Nice Old Drive Ins Empty Chief Drive In, Quanah, TX

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:16 pm

    Here is the Cheif Drive Drive In Quanah, TX:

    Nice Old Drive Ins Chiefdrive-inQuanahTX

    Nice Old Drive Ins Chiefdrive-inQuanahTX001

    Nice Old Drive Ins Chiefdrive-inQuanahTX002

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 11, 2024 6:28 am